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2013.09.14 晚上

確定了"Rainmaker 幻雨"這個名字




On the evening of September 14, 2013,

In front of a clothing store named Tsubasa.Y in Taichung,
we solidified our name as "Rainmaker".

Melding heavy rock, hard metal, and the soaring echoes of 80s American rock,
the name 'Rainmaker' originally signifies a mystical rain wizard.
The objective and spirit behind this name
is our hope to heal those who believe in this fantastical rain through our music.

There's sadness, indignation, all part of the pursuit of dreams.
And, of course, the unavoidable mundane love and hate.

We hope that in the immersive act of listening,
negative emotions can be cleansed, elevating love and aspirations.


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2023.03 - 不想睡的夜裡
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2022.11 - NoiFAITH 躁域時刻 2
2022.09 - 【ESCAPE FROM CHOOSE】 - 台中場 共演嘉賓
2022.07 - 台秋祭 TaiChill City
2022.07 - 【看見勇氣】
2022.07 - 右手重生日
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2022.03 - 全部掏出來

2021.11 - 無限自由音樂藝術節
2021.10 - 武漢肺炎死光光 第二趴
2021.09 - 火車頭音樂祭
2021.05 - 重金大賞 Vol.5
2021.04 - New Sound PunchLine VOL.2
2021.03 - 大港沒有門票取暖派對
2021.03 - 搖滾烤肉

2020.12 - 搖滾釋放
2020.10 - 無限自由前大暖趴
2020.08 - 不共不役
2020.06 - 男子漢 Chill tonight
2020.06 - 666'Life Challenge
2020.03 - 麻吉大亂鬥

2019.11 - 咚ㄘ大台中
2019.11 - 唱秋 We are so drunk
2019.08 - 滷肉飯失控事件

2018.01 - 公館河岸留言

2017.03 - 中港大道
2017.01 - 第五屆 群音崛起

2015.10 - 百鬼慶
2015.06 - 送舊搖滾晚會
2015.05 - 為了未來的過去IV 首發場

2014.12 - 敲鐘平安夜
2014.11 - Jam文創隨興
2014.11 - NoiFAITH 躁域時刻
2014.10 - Unplugged Studio
2014.06 - 搖滾大佛
2014.02 - 搖滾擂台賽

2013.12 - 串中音吶
2013.12 - 敲鐘平安夜

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